Sliding Scale Navigation:
A Sliding Scale is a form of exchange that takes one’s entire person into account. A Sliding Scale is intended to evoke a community relationship between the practitioner and client—whether past, present, or future. When we give within our financial capacity that means that some folks pay less, and others pay more, based on the resources they have access to. This system allows more folks access to the care they need and brings us closer to a world we all can thrive within. It is important to remember that the Sliding Scale is not for situations of saving money, but rather a matter of access and quality of life. Folks who have resources to exchange in the higher quadrant of the Sliding Scale are what allow me, as a practitioner, to provide sessions in the lower quadrant of the Scale, and so I thank you for adhering to, respecting, and participating in this style of exchange.
If you are unsure where you find yourself on the sliding scale, here are a few questions to ask yourself:
1) Are you easily able to pay your bills monthly, tend to your needs, and have enough leftover as spendable income and/ or savings? If yes, then it is appropriate for you to pay in the top quadrant of the Sliding Scale, which is from $175-$222.
2) Are you able to pay your bills monthly, but rarely have much left over for treats, recreational activities, and savings? If yes, then it is appropriate for you to pay in the middle quadrant of the Sliding Scale, which is from $125-$174.
3) Are you struggling to pay your bills and meet your basic needs from month to month? Or are you living pay-check-to-paycheck with little in between? If yes, then it is appropriate for you to pay in the lower quadrant of the Sliding Scale, which is $88-$124.
For plant medicine, please apply the same system of navigation to the scales provided for each type.