Grey Sun (they/them) is a queer creature, energetic practitioner, medicine maker, Hypnotist, scribe of the natural world, evocator of trance states, Bridge, and traveler of many realms. Born and raised in the southern heat, they attended Armstrong State University in Savannah, Georgia for a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature (with minors in Writing and Gender Studies), studied Community Herbalism in Asheville, North Carolina with Coreypine Shane at the Blue Ridge School of Herbal Medicine, studied Aura Work, Energy Release, Trance Work, and other hypnotic tools with Carly Ptak, completed their hypnotherapy certification with Randal Churchill at the Hypnotherapy Training Institute in Corte Madera, California, and they are certified through the American Council of Hypnotic Examiners. Grey is currently practicing the arts of trance, listening deeply, and re/membering wholeness in Oakland, California, and is in community with and studying shamanic life skills with Last Mask Center, a center for shamanic healing invested in tending the wounds and illnesses of our time

Grey has been listening to flower songs, making plant medicine, and reading tarot for many years. They love to find creative modalities to connect with kin of many species and embodiments, tend to plants, read strange words, look out windows, be home, and float in bodies of water.

Connect with Grey here!